The Network for Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS Network) is an international, open community for various types of professionals working on stimulating and demonstrating the impact of science on economy, culture and well-being. The network consists of individual and institutional members, and thus connects different stakeholders. The members all work in a variety of organisations from all over the world, where they are involved in the evaluation of impact, research strategy and policy making, funding and other impact support. We believe that sharing best practices will help to develop effective instruments for evaluating and advancing the societal impact of science.
The AESIS Network is convinced that advancing the societal impact:
The AESIS Network consists of individual members and brings together different stakeholders involved in the assessment and stimulation of societal impact, such as:
The Network is steered by an Advisory Board, which consists of experts representing the different segments of the targeted membership. They advise on event programming and the goals of the Network.