Excellence of research is often not the sole or even main motivation for investors in research. Funding allocation is increasingly based on the level of impact on the economy and society. In order to account for the funding universities and/or researchers receive, several impact-assessment frameworks, systems and tools have been developed to provide evidence of research impact. The recent establishment of a system of Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) metrics, in October 2017 in the United Kingdom, is meant to serve a similar aim. The KEF is preparing to collect data on institutional level performance in knowledge exchange, assessing university achievements in serving the economy and society.
In light of the KEF and other similar developments, more universities aim to target their resources more effectively to adhere to the expectations of funders and tax-payers, and more importantly, to optimise and demonstrate their value to society and the economy. In order to achieve this it is important for these institutions to strengthen their relations with businesses and other external beneficiaries. While knowledge and data-sharing of academic research can be stimulated, it is also of great important to be informed about the views and needs of those who will experience the impact of science.
In this webinar, four experts will discuss the relationship between universities and businesses specifically. What tools and best-practices are available to strengthen these collaborations, and which obstacles are still to be overcome. The main question will be:
'How can interactions between science and business be increased, exchange of perspectives be stimulated, and evidence of the outcomes be demonstrated, in order to support economic and societal impact of science?'