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One of the new challenges for Science communicators is to contribute to the societal impact of scientific Research. In order to generate more effective impact, it is important to consider how science is communicated, how it is perceived, whether the right research reaches the relevant audience, if the message is understood and whether it is trusted. This course will help you to understand how science communication can be performed in such a way that it will reach (potential) users of scientific research in society.
Society can benefit from innovative and well-substantiated methods for mission-oriented communication of science, covering a number of impact-pathways: through government (evidence informed policy making), through business (science marketing) or through media (science broadcasting), to name a few. Although the relevance seems undisputable, communicating the outcome of scientific research to society is not per definition part of a routine of academic researchers. It usually lacks a programme and structure. Therefore AESIS brings together professionals and stakeholders in the field of impact and science communication, in order to support the development of the new goals, professions and tasks in the interface between science and society.
Target audience
Research managers, Science communication strategists,
Librarians, Science funders, Policy makers, Press officers
And other professionals involved in science communication
and impact of science